Walters mixed Tulkaba Wednesday and Walters Thursday
top 2 teams go to Granfinals
draw will be posted tomorrow ...
A great day on day 1 for our U/10 boys Rep Dolphins 2 wins ,1 loss .PHINS UP boys beers down parents and coaches . ...
No more sleeps it’s game day for our Junior Dolphins .Best of luck to all our players ,coaches ,managers and our parents ,guardians and supporters .”PHINS UP” ...
IMPORTANT :NO DOGS ALLOWED at our grounds at Lake Macquarie Oztag .Tonight a border collie attacked a 6 year old child at our Walters Park venue .Fortunately the child wasn’t harmed but a near miss so to prevent and incident with any dogs and people NO DOGS of any shape or size will be allowed at our venues .Peter Roberts Lake Macquarie Oztag President . ...